Friday, September 5, 2008

How I Can Help

If you are interested in getting involved we have several ways to help!

1. Fabric donations- Yes I said fabric. Some of the classes at my school are going to make apron and potholders to give to the woman that are helped.

2. Sponsor an item or two- We are asking groups to sponsor and item or two so that they can concentrate on certain areas. If you have a group that would be interested please leave a comment.

3. Save your change- We are asking for people to start saving change in order to buy food when the group gets to Guatemala. That way they can have more room to pack the donated items. See item #4 for information on where to send the $$

4. Sponsor a family or give directly to the mission trip - Feed a family in Guatemala for 26.00 a week. Build a house for 500.00

Monetary donations should go to:
Northeast Christian Church
Attn: Andrea Culliton
13309 Magisterial Drive
Louisville, KY 40223
Make your check out to Northeast Christian Church and write either Guatemala - Food Distribution or Guatemala - House in the memo

5. Check back in for more ways to give. More info to come!

1 comment:

Lori and Robby said...

Jill, you are awesome!!! I love the new blog and I'm excited to see how you can reach others to make an impact in Guatemala.